
Skinny Haters

Hello darlings! The topic of this post is skinny haters, some truely trying to hurt me, and some that thought that was a okay comment to make (Newsflash: It wasn't)
My whole life I have been tall and lean. I eat a ton, and can eat whatever I want. I get it from my Dad, and most of the time I'm okay with it. I used to hate it, but now I've grown to love my body. With that love comes hate. Whenever some girl I barely know makes the comment "Eat a sandwich", I just laugh. I mean, gurl, I already ate a sandwich... and another, and chips, and doritos, and strawberries, and cookies. Even though I'm laughing, it hurts a little ittle bit. Why can't people just accept all body types? I don't get it :(
The comment that really hurt though was my best friends brother. I was talking about food with her mother, when her brother chimes in "She thinks you're anorexic". Seriously. I eat a TON. I am like a black hole of food consumption. I have never had a eating disorder in my life, and I am still at a healthy weight for my height and age (Doc says) My best friend quickly told him to shut up, and that that was as far from the truth as you could get, but guess what? It hurt.
Even though there are gonna be haters, I still love me. I'm perfectly imperfect, just like everyone else on this Earth. The moral of the story? Love yourself, and then it doesn't matter what people think.

With tons of love,
Emma <3

Ps. Comment! I love to talk :)

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