Hi girlies! Today, I'm gonna share my favorites of a lot of different stuff (Yep, that clears it up) Comment down below what your favorites are. Also, ask me questions. If I get any, I'll make a separate post answering them. Anyways, here we go :)
FOOD- Cotton candy ice cream. Its the delicious taste of cotton candy (SUGAR!), and the cold treat of ice cream all in one! Mmhhhhm
SONG- Hmm. This is really hard, since I love music. Probably either Better Than Revenge by Taylor Swift, or A Drop in the Ocean by Ron Pope. Ooh, or September by Daughtry. I can't pick.
ARTIST- Definitely Taylor Swift.... #Swiftieforlife (Why the heck did I just use a hashtag?)
CLASS- Either art (I love to draw), or math (What can I say, I'm a nerd)
COLOR- Well, blue is my favorite, but I like to wear pink better. So blue and pink?
BOOK- The Fault In Our Stars. *Sobs* It changed me. Its so amazing, its getting its own post later.
SPORT- To watch or play? To watch: Soccer. Soccer players are yummy :) To play: Track. I am a total runner chick.
SHOW- Pretty Little liars. Who is A anyways. Just kidding, I read the books so I know...
MOVIE- Uhm, I have watched two movies in the pat year. Not a big movies girl. But Frozen. I still want a reindeer.
STORE- This is hard. I have three favorites: Marshalls, American Eagle, and Aeropostale.
PLACE- 100% the beach. No doubts.
Anyways, thats about it. Can you guys think of any more? What are your favorites. I'd love to know :D
With tons of love,
Emma <3
Ps. Dont forget the questions about me for a separate post!! Pretty please with a cherry on top?
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