
My First Post!

Hi everyone! If you're reading this, well thank you. I'm flattered ^-^. This blog is gonna be about my Teenage Experience (jazz hands!). I'm just your average teenager girl. Because this is my first post (Uhm, YAY!), I'll tell you a bit about myself. Where do I start... I'm loud, bubbly, outgoing, and happy, like, almost all the time. I have a loving family, and the most amazing group of unbiological sisters a gal could dream of. I  was very recently dumped, but I'm all good now (God, he was an idiot. Live and learn, right?). I am obsessed with drawing, and piano. I love all music in general. 98 percent of the time, I am listening to music (Thats just an estimate. Or a guess. Ooh, a guesstimate!) I am starting freshman year in about a week! Goooo freshman! I am one of those kids who loves school, but, man, i HATE waking up early. Five o'clock is just crazy. No one should be up at that early hour. I'm gonna miss summer, and more importantly sleeping till its early afternoon. But i get sidetracked (I do that a lot in case you haven't noticed). Oh, I am a huge girly girl. Like, Starbucks and dresses and puppies all the way bro. That pretty much me in a quick nutshell. If you have any question, or want to know anything, comment below (As long as its not like creepy weirdo/stalker type stuff) Also, comment a bit about yourself. I'd love to know about you guys :)

With tons of love,
Emma <3

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