
My Life Story :)

Hi beautifuls! So today, I am making a post about my life (so far) So lets get right into it!

I was born in September of 2000. I have a mom and a dad, plus an older brother. He is older than me by 18 months. I lived, and live in a small town in the middle of nowhere.

As a baby, I was (according to my parents) a good child. I slept through the night, which was really appreciated  because my brother didn't sleep. Like at all. He refused to sleep. Up until preschool, my brother was my best friend. We did everything together, and he always looked out for me (love him!).
In preschool and kindergarten, I was wicked shy. I had one best friend that I did everything with, and that was it.

In elementary school, I struggled a bit. I had attention problems, because the work they gave me was easy and boring. I became close friends with my neighbor in second grade, because we were in the same class, and also another girl who is still my best friend today. In fourth grade, I found a group of three friends. We were super tight, and like a mini clique. Things started to go bad when one of those girls started majorly bullying me. I got wicked insecure, and just general unhappy. In fifth grade, I tried to distance myself from her, but she still made fun of me. I made shaky friendships with the girls in my class, but I had no best friend. Also, in fifth grade I had my "first boyfriend". He asked me out in math and I said yes at recess. We dated for the whole recess period (15 minutes), then I broke up with him.

The summer before middle school, I had anxiety. I lost a ton of weight, and worried all the time. I felt sick to my stomach constantly, and had no appetite.  In sixth grade, the girl from fourth grade still bullied me. I had no self esteem, and my "friends" made fun of me behind my back. Also, this was the year my great-grandfather died. I had a really hard time with that. I focused really hard on my schoolwork, because it distracted me from everything. This is also the year I started track.  I instantly fell in love with running, and it was my escape. The summer after sixth grade, my British cousins came to stay with us. It was the first time we had ever met them, and a ton of fun.

Seventh grade is the year things really took a turn for the better. I met my sisters (well I already knew and was besties with one of them) during the first week of school. We instantly clicked, and we loved each other like true sisters. My teachers were amazing, and again I did track for my school. I had a major crush on this wicked short kid (don't know why I had to mention that he was short), and he was nice, but he didn't like me. At this point, no guys were ever interested in me. In seventh grade, I had my sisters, and also a wide circle of loving, true friends. I finally felt accepted. Also, this year I got all A's :) The summer after seventh grade, me and my family went to London. This was one of my favorite years.

Eighth grade was also an awesome year. I was in the same classes with my sisters, so i got to see them all the time. I became more happy, friendly, bubbly, and outgoing, because I was just comfortable with who I was finally. The girl from fourth grade had decided to leave me alone. I made tons of new friends that were in my classes. I had the best teachers. They loved me (except for one, but whatevs) I had crushes on various hot, popular guys, but there was a guy who was a bit different. My sister liked him, and we started chatting on Skype, and we instantly had a friendship. I could be crazy and silly with him, just like with my sisters. Before him, I had never felt that comfortable with a guy. We both liked each other, but never told each other. I felt super guilty for  liking him, because my sister was crazy about him. I never told anyone that I liked him, because i felt so guilty. Eventually, he asked me out. I said no, because I couldn't do that to my sister.  We had a fall out for a while. In eighth grade, my school art teacher convinced me to enter a contest. I entered a drawing, and I won. My parents and friends were so supportive and amazing, and I am so thankful for that. One of my sisters came with me to the awards show. I became known by my classmates for my art, and I even won the superlative "Best Artist" in the yearbook. I never imagined that I would get this far. I also was asked to help paint a mural in my school with a few other girls, and we became amazing friends. The previously mentioned guy asked me to semi, and he was my first boyfriend (its a long story, in the previous post if you're interested)

The summer after eighth grade, I had my first kiss, and my first heartbreak. He broke up with me, and it really hit me hard. I have since moved on, and spent a lot of time this summer with my best friends. They were the only therapy I need, and I am constantly laughing with them. I have been on a few adventure this summer, and its almost over. High school starts in a couple day, but I haven't had anxiety. I am mostly looking forward to the next part in my life :)

So this is my life, from start to now. The end had more details, because I remember more of what happened. Whats your life story? If you want, comment below or email me at heyitsmissem@gmail.com. Also, did you like this post? Should I do more like this? Anyways, I love you to the moon. And back :)

With tons of love,
Emma <3

Pa. The sisters I refer to in this post are  unbiological sisters. I have no biological sisters, only a brother.

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