
Cute Date Ideas for Valentine's Day!!

Hello my Valentine's!! I hope you all have a marvelous Valentine's Day on Sunday, and maybe you can get some ideas from this post. You can do these with your Significant Other, or with your besties if you're single (like me!) Let's get right into it!
  • Bake treats
What's better thank just hanging with someone you love (or like, or can barely stand, whatever)? The answer: hanging with someone you love, with fresh homemade baked goods. Even if they come out awful, it'll still be super fun, and you can laugh at your fails.
  • Go ice skating
This date is so super cute. You can go indoors if you live somewhere warmer, or you can go outside if it's freezing where you live (like where I live). You can hold on to your sweetie if you're having trouble, and even if you can skate fine, you can fake having trouble. It works like a charm, I promise. 
  • Explore a local city
It doen't even have to be a big city. You can walk around with your babe, and the snow will start to fall, and you'll snuggle close. Then you can go get coffee/hot chocolate at a quaint little coffee shop, and people watch. *sigh*
  • Go on a hike
Okay, I'll admit this is not my ideal date, as it involves exercise and I'm more of a potato. For some people though, this might be right up your alley. 
  • Walk on the beach
I had to include this stereotypical date, sorry. It's stereotypical for a reason though, because almost everyone loves it. It's relaxing, and a great date for old and new couples/friends as there would be plenty of time to talk.

I hope this gave you some ideas if you needed them! Comment down below what your Valentine's Day plans are. I love you all oodles and oodles, and I hope you have a great day!

With tons of love,
Em <3

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