
BAD BAD Blogger

Hey hey hey!! How are you guys? I hope you are all well!
So, someone around here (me) has been a BAD BAD blogger. I know I disappear every few months without a reason. On one hand, I really regret that, because before I left we had a really good thang going. I had a lot of readers, and I really appreciate that. On the other hand though, I kind of had to go. I was getting really frustrated with what my content was becoming, as I felt that it was kind of superficial. Don't get me wrong, I love doing hauls and makeup and clothes. I love doing put together posts that make me feel like I have my life together, but I also want to do posts that are real. I want my blog to represent who I am, like it did when I first started blogging. I want to share my favorite songs with you, I want to rant, I want to tell you about my fails, I want to tell you about my bad days, and I want to tell you about the days that make me feel completely alive and whole and happy. I want it to be real.
To compromise, I am going to do both. There's still going to be a post every Friday, something a little more put together (and possibly prewritten). I'll also post anytime if there's something I want to say, something I want to share with you guys. You guys are super important to me, and I don't want to put on an illusion 24/7 for this blog, simply because it isn't true, and I'm not perfect.
I'm sorry that it took so long to come up with this solution, and I'm sorry I felt so alienated from my blog, from my readers, for so long. I hope with all of my heart that you guys understand.

With tons of love,

ps. Talk to you next Friday.. or sooner :P