Hi babes! Merry Christmas to all of my Christmas celebrating babes out there, and Happy Holidays to those that don't celebrate Christmas! I hope you all had a wonderful day full of family, friends, laughter, and of course, Christmas food. I love Christmas; it's my favorite holiday and I'm just really happy. I love you guys so much, like to the moon and back.
Happy holidays!
With tons and tons of love,
Ps. If you guys want like a holiday haul post, comment below, and I'd post it next Friday. Or if you have any other post you want, just comment!
Spoilers: What I'm Getting People for Christmas!
Hey darlings! The holidays are soon approaching, and I've already planned out all of my gifts because I love Christmas, and I'm not about the last minute shopping life anyways. Maybe you could get some inspiration from these if you need it!
Kelly*-A Doctor Who travel mug
Okay so she is totally obsessed with Doctor Who, and she uses a travel mug every day. Obsession+ practical use= ah-maz-ing gift.
Elise- A cork board
I'm going to decorate it with lots of things that she likes, pictures of us, her fav quotes, etc. I'm so excited to give this to her!
Belle- An elephant tapestry
She loves elephants, and she always talks about how she wants her room to look Tumblr. What's more Tumblr than a tapestry?
Hazel actually is the only one of my friends who knows what my blog URL is, so I'm not gonna spoil what her present is. Hah! I'll tell you guys after I give it to her.
And all my other friends that aren't my best friends are getting food, because food is always a yes.
(*names have been changed to protect my friends' privacy and/or keep all this top secret information secret)
You guys are the best! Happy gifting!
With tons of love,
Em <3
Kelly*-A Doctor Who travel mug
Okay so she is totally obsessed with Doctor Who, and she uses a travel mug every day. Obsession+ practical use= ah-maz-ing gift.
Elise- A cork board
I'm going to decorate it with lots of things that she likes, pictures of us, her fav quotes, etc. I'm so excited to give this to her!
Belle- An elephant tapestry
She loves elephants, and she always talks about how she wants her room to look Tumblr. What's more Tumblr than a tapestry?
Hazel actually is the only one of my friends who knows what my blog URL is, so I'm not gonna spoil what her present is. Hah! I'll tell you guys after I give it to her.
And all my other friends that aren't my best friends are getting food, because food is always a yes.
(*names have been changed to protect my friends' privacy and/or keep all this top secret information secret)
You guys are the best! Happy gifting!
With tons of love,
Em <3
Songs That Will Make Your Life Better
Hey chicas! This post is a playlist of amazing songs that have made my life better. Enjoy!
*Asleep- The Smiths
*How To Be a Heartbreaker- Marina and the Diamonds
*Fairytales and Firesides- Passenger
*Human- Christina Perri
*I Almost Do- Taylor Swift
*Yellow- Coldplay
*Hard Out Here- Lily Allen
*Angel with a Shotgun- The Cab
*Oblivion- Bastille
*You'll Be Okay- A Great Big World
*Greek Tragedy- The Wombats
I hope you like these and that they do make your life better as well.
With tons of love,
Emma <3
Ps. Comment your songs that have made your life better
Pps. Thank you to all of my new and old readers who take some time to read what I have to say :) It means so much to me, you don't even know. And if I can return the favor and read some of you guys' blogs, I would love to!
*Asleep- The Smiths
*How To Be a Heartbreaker- Marina and the Diamonds
*Fairytales and Firesides- Passenger
*Human- Christina Perri
*I Almost Do- Taylor Swift
*Yellow- Coldplay
*Hard Out Here- Lily Allen
*Angel with a Shotgun- The Cab
*Oblivion- Bastille
*You'll Be Okay- A Great Big World
*Greek Tragedy- The Wombats
I hope you like these and that they do make your life better as well.
With tons of love,
Emma <3
Ps. Comment your songs that have made your life better
Pps. Thank you to all of my new and old readers who take some time to read what I have to say :) It means so much to me, you don't even know. And if I can return the favor and read some of you guys' blogs, I would love to!
Tall Girl Problems
Hi sweethearts! I hope you're having a wonderful Friday. So, if you're tall, you'll completely feel this post. I'm with ya.
1. "Do you play basketball?"
2. Having to walk slower so the people you're with can keep up.
3. Talking to/ hugging/ basically anything with people who are at "boob height".
4. Dancng and/or stretching and hitting the celing fan.
5. Getting yelled at because all skirts and dresses are so damn short on you.
6. Having your head cut off in a mirror selfie.
7. Having to decide whether to crouch down or awkwardly tower over your friends when you take pictures
8. "You have the height to be a model."
9. Having to fight your friends for shotgun, and eventually playing the height card.
10. Trying to find a store that carries long jeans in store so you can try them on.
Even with these problems, I gotta say, I love being tall. What about you guys?
With tons of love,
Em <3
1. "Do you play basketball?"
2. Having to walk slower so the people you're with can keep up.
3. Talking to/ hugging/ basically anything with people who are at "boob height".
4. Dancng and/or stretching and hitting the celing fan.
5. Getting yelled at because all skirts and dresses are so damn short on you.
6. Having your head cut off in a mirror selfie.
7. Having to decide whether to crouch down or awkwardly tower over your friends when you take pictures
8. "You have the height to be a model."
9. Having to fight your friends for shotgun, and eventually playing the height card.
10. Trying to find a store that carries long jeans in store so you can try them on.
Even with these problems, I gotta say, I love being tall. What about you guys?
With tons of love,
Em <3

(Shirt: Kohl's, cardigan: Kohl's, jeans: Aeropostale, booties: TJMaxx)
With tons of love,
Em <3
Happy Thanksgiving!
Hey guys! I just wanted to say to all my American peeps out there that I hope you had a great Thanksgiving! I went over my aunt's house, and even though I don't really like Thanksgiving (I'm vegetarian so I'm kinda left out), I had such a great time seeing my extended family and just chillin' with them for the day. Also, I love the parade! What did you guys do for Thanksgiving? Leave a comment down below! I love you guys!
With tons of love,
Emma <3
Ps. There's another post coming tomorrow (yay!) so stay tuned!
Pps. Please don't get trampled in a Black Friday stampede xD. I'd be really sad if you did.
With tons of love,
Emma <3
Ps. There's another post coming tomorrow (yay!) so stay tuned!
Pps. Please don't get trampled in a Black Friday stampede xD. I'd be really sad if you did.
My All Time Favorite Quote
Hi sweeties! So, I know it's not a Friday, but I really wanted to share my favorite quote with you, anddd I already have all my Friday posts written for the next, like, month. So I though I would post it now cuz why not.
“Sometimes it’s the people no one imagines anything of who do the things no one can imagine.”
This quote is from the movie The Imitation Game, and I think it's actually a quote from Alan Turing, the man who the movie is about, but I'm not sure. Anyways, I love you guys!
With tons of love,
“Sometimes it’s the people no one imagines anything of who do the things no one can imagine.”
This quote is from the movie The Imitation Game, and I think it's actually a quote from Alan Turing, the man who the movie is about, but I'm not sure. Anyways, I love you guys!
With tons of love,
Fall Essentials
Hi cuties!! Okay, okay, I know that it's already the middle of November, so it's kind of late for a fall post. Maybe we could call it Fall/Winter Essentials. Yep, that's what we'll do! I love fall, and all things fall (not so much winter because snow is ew). These are my essentials for the wonderful thing thing that is called Autumn!
What's better than a sweater? Nothing. It's like a warm hug that you can wear!
*Starbucks Red Cups
I love winter drinks from Starbucks. When the red cups came back, my heart was happy.
They go with everything! And they're so comfy (if you get the right pair)
*An army jacket
You can just throw it on and go!
*Berry colored lipstick
It looks colorful and natural, and looks good on everybody.
My skin gets soooo dry when the weather gets colder, so this is important.
*Knitted scarves
Comfortable and warm? A+
*Fuzzy socks
As you can see, I like being warm.
So those are my fall/winter essentials! I hope you're having a fantastic fall!
With tons of love,
Em <3
Ps. I know I haven't posted in a while, but every Friday is a thing now! I promiseeeeee
What's better than a sweater? Nothing. It's like a warm hug that you can wear!
*Starbucks Red Cups
I love winter drinks from Starbucks. When the red cups came back, my heart was happy.
They go with everything! And they're so comfy (if you get the right pair)
*An army jacket
You can just throw it on and go!
*Berry colored lipstick
It looks colorful and natural, and looks good on everybody.
My skin gets soooo dry when the weather gets colder, so this is important.
*Knitted scarves
Comfortable and warm? A+
*Fuzzy socks
As you can see, I like being warm.
So those are my fall/winter essentials! I hope you're having a fantastic fall!
With tons of love,
Em <3
Ps. I know I haven't posted in a while, but every Friday is a thing now! I promiseeeeee
Song of the Week
Hey darlings! So I have decided to do a song of the week every Friday, and today is Friday, soooo voilĂ . The song of the week is....
Hold Back the River by James Bay
I was with my friend when I first heard this song, and I loved it sosososo much. I bought it and have been listening to it nonstop. It starts out really pretty and soft, but then gets louder, and gets good beat. So that is the song of the week this week! There'll be another next week!
With tons of love,
Em <3
Hold Back the River by James Bay
I was with my friend when I first heard this song, and I loved it sosososo much. I bought it and have been listening to it nonstop. It starts out really pretty and soft, but then gets louder, and gets good beat. So that is the song of the week this week! There'll be another next week!
With tons of love,
Em <3
My Summer Jams
Hey cuties! When I think about summer without music, a few words come to mind: sad, boring, and not at all fun. I always make a summer playlist just so I have something I can grab at a party, by the pool, or just when I'm bored. I thought I would share a couple of my songs of the summer with you guys!!
*Fight Song- Rachel Platten (pop)
*Friday Night- Eric Paslay (country)
*Mess Is Mine- Vance Joy (alternative)
*Bo$$- Fifth Harmony (pop)
*Wonderwall- Oasis (alternative)
*I'm Only Me When I'm With You- Taylor Swift (country)
*Do I Wanna Know?- Arctic Monkeys (alternative)
*Zombie- The Cranberries (alternative)
*Photograph- Ed Sheeran (pop)
And lastly
*Somebody Told Me- The Killers (alternative)
These are just a few of my favorite songs this summer. Do you guys have any song suggestions? Comment below!
With tons of love,
Ps. I think I'll post a song of the week every Friday. Cool?
*Fight Song- Rachel Platten (pop)
*Friday Night- Eric Paslay (country)
*Mess Is Mine- Vance Joy (alternative)
*Bo$$- Fifth Harmony (pop)
*Wonderwall- Oasis (alternative)
*I'm Only Me When I'm With You- Taylor Swift (country)
*Do I Wanna Know?- Arctic Monkeys (alternative)
*Zombie- The Cranberries (alternative)
*Photograph- Ed Sheeran (pop)
And lastly
*Somebody Told Me- The Killers (alternative)
These are just a few of my favorite songs this summer. Do you guys have any song suggestions? Comment below!
With tons of love,
Ps. I think I'll post a song of the week every Friday. Cool?
I'm Baaaack!!!
Hi darlings! Wow I'm so glad to be back and blogging again, and I promise I'm sticking around for a while. I'm sorry I stopped blogging for a couple months, but it just got to be too much, with school and stuff and then also blogging. I've been going through some stuff, and I didn't really feel like writing any posts. But I'm so happy to be back, and I'll be able to put some time into it since it's summer and all (woot woot!). Soooo much has changed, but I think I'll save that for another post. If you've read my blog before, thank you for coming back even though I hadn't posted in a long time. And if you're new, welcome, I hope you enjoy!
With tons of love,
With tons of love,
Hello friends! I HAVE SOME EXCITING VALENTINES DAY NEWS. I REPEAT, EXCITING VALENTINES DAY NEWS! Now I have to take deep breaths so I can write in sentences that actually make sense. In..... Out..... In.... Out. Okay: I have a boyfriend. Do y'all remember me telling you about the guy I like, the one that is/was one of my best friends. Yep, he asked me out like a hour ago. This is breaking news. Here's the story: So, yesterday, I wrote him a letter and gave it to him. It said that I liked him and sappy stuff blahblahblah. So after I practically threw the letter at him, I promptly ran away so he couldn't have the chance to do what I thought he would do, which is give me a sympathetic smile and say he's not interested. Now, after the school day was done, I was a mess. A wreck (huge shoutout to my best babes who kept me from completely breaking down). I thought I f-ed everything up, and that thought was really upsetting because, as previously mentioned, he is one of my best friends. Well that night, there was a slight turn for the better. Well, two. One was that he filled out the "boyfriend application"(like a survey) me and my friend made as a joke, and sent it to me. Yep, all 80 questions. The second was he told said friend that he was going to ask me out on Valentines Day, but told her not to tell me (of course she did anyways). Soooo, fast forward to today at four in the morning. I was in my bathroom throwing up, because I was that nervous. After surviving the morning, I got a face time call from him. He said hey, and then say "Doyouwannagooutwithme?" In that moment, I could tell he was nervous too. I said yes, and then we just talked about random stuff for the rest of the call. I feel so safe and comfortable with him, which is new for me. This could be the start of something good. *sigh* Today has legit been so great, guys. Now, on to you guys? How has your Valentines Day been? I hope awesome, but as I know, it can be hard. My advice: Hang in there. Its one day. And you'll find your lobster, don't worry.
With tons and extra tons of love,
Em <3
Ps. Will you be my Valentine? ^.^
With tons and extra tons of love,
Em <3
Ps. Will you be my Valentine? ^.^
Another 50 Questions Tag
Hi chicas! So, the last time I did a tag like this, it got a ton of post views, so I thought I would do another. Plus, they're fun and I have nothing else I have to do.
1. Where were you three hours ago?
My house (probably my room)
2. Who are you in love with?
Well, I'm "in like" with my best guy friend. Does that count?
3. Have you ever eaten a crayon?
No, at least not that I'm aware of.
4. Is there anything pink within ten feet of you?
My iPod charger and earbuds
5. When was the last time you went to the mall?
Uhm, like two months ago
6. Are you wearing socks right now?
7. Does your family have a car worth over 2,000 dollars?
Wow, weird question, but yeah, two of them
8. When was the last time you drove out of town?
I went to school yesterday (but I'm only 14, so I don't drive. Yet.)
9. Have you been to the movies in the last five days?
Uh, nah
10. Are you hot?
11. What was the last thing you had to drink?
A cup of tea. I drink more tea than a brit.
12. What are you wearing right now?
A tee shirt with the name of my school on it (like the ones that say property of *insert school name here* athletics), and PJ pants
13. Do you was your car or let the car wash do it?
I do not own a car.
14. Last food you ate?
15. Where were you last week a this time?
The animal shelter!
16. Have you bought any clothing item in the last week?
17. When was the last time you ran?
Like two days ago. I meant to today but then Netflix
18. What's the last sport event you watched?
Lol I don't watch sports.
19. What is your favorite animal?
Penguins <3
20. Your dream vacation?
A beach, where it is not cold/snowing
21. Who's house were you last in?
Besides mine, one of my best friends'
22. Worst injury you've had?
I'm clumsy and I injure myself a lot; I can't remember the worst.
23. Have you ever been in love?
Ugh, yes
24. Do you miss anyone right now.
25. Last play you saw?
Beauty and the Beast in second grade
26. What is your secret weapon to lure in guys?
My sexy awkwardness XD
27. What are your plans for tonight?
Gossip Girl binge watching
28. Last person you texted?
A group chat with my best friend, a friend, and the guy I like
29. Next trip you are going to take?
My kitchen. Jk I don't know.
30. Ever go to camp?
Hell. Nah.
31. Are you a honor roll student?
*cough* high honors *cough*
32. What do you want to know about the future?
Nothing, I live in the moment.
33. Are you wearing perfume?
Not right now
34. Are you due sometime this year for a doctors visit?
Uhhh... Yeah??
35. Where is your best friend?
Hmm, let me check the GPS trackers I have on them... Just kidding. I think they're home.
36. How is your best friend?
They are good.
37. Do you have a tan.
Sort of
38. What are you listening to right now?
Dance Dance by Fall Out Boy
39. Do you collect anything?
CDs, books, seashells, post cards, and makeup
40. Biggest gossiper you know?
Xoxo, Gossip Girl
41. Last time you were stopped by a cop?
42. Have you ever drank soda from a straw?
43. What does your last text message say?
"I KNOW AH"- my best friend
44. Do you like hot sauce?
Hells ya
45. Last time you took a shower?
Three hours ago
46. Do you need to do laundry?
Oops yeah
47. What is your heritage?
French Canadian, South American and Spanish
48. Are you someone's best friend?
Yes ma'am
49. Are you rich?
Well I'm not poor.
50. What were you doing at midnight last night?
Watching Mean Girls XD
So, thats it. I hope you had fun reading this, and you guys should answer these next
With tons of love,
Em <3
1. Where were you three hours ago?
My house (probably my room)
2. Who are you in love with?
Well, I'm "in like" with my best guy friend. Does that count?
3. Have you ever eaten a crayon?
No, at least not that I'm aware of.
4. Is there anything pink within ten feet of you?
My iPod charger and earbuds
5. When was the last time you went to the mall?
Uhm, like two months ago
6. Are you wearing socks right now?
7. Does your family have a car worth over 2,000 dollars?
Wow, weird question, but yeah, two of them
8. When was the last time you drove out of town?
I went to school yesterday (but I'm only 14, so I don't drive. Yet.)
9. Have you been to the movies in the last five days?
Uh, nah
10. Are you hot?
11. What was the last thing you had to drink?
A cup of tea. I drink more tea than a brit.
12. What are you wearing right now?
A tee shirt with the name of my school on it (like the ones that say property of *insert school name here* athletics), and PJ pants
13. Do you was your car or let the car wash do it?
I do not own a car.
14. Last food you ate?
15. Where were you last week a this time?
The animal shelter!
16. Have you bought any clothing item in the last week?
17. When was the last time you ran?
Like two days ago. I meant to today but then Netflix
18. What's the last sport event you watched?
Lol I don't watch sports.
19. What is your favorite animal?
Penguins <3
20. Your dream vacation?
A beach, where it is not cold/snowing
21. Who's house were you last in?
Besides mine, one of my best friends'
22. Worst injury you've had?
I'm clumsy and I injure myself a lot; I can't remember the worst.
23. Have you ever been in love?
Ugh, yes
24. Do you miss anyone right now.
25. Last play you saw?
Beauty and the Beast in second grade
26. What is your secret weapon to lure in guys?
My sexy awkwardness XD
27. What are your plans for tonight?
Gossip Girl binge watching
28. Last person you texted?
A group chat with my best friend, a friend, and the guy I like
29. Next trip you are going to take?
My kitchen. Jk I don't know.
30. Ever go to camp?
Hell. Nah.
31. Are you a honor roll student?
*cough* high honors *cough*
32. What do you want to know about the future?
Nothing, I live in the moment.
33. Are you wearing perfume?
Not right now
34. Are you due sometime this year for a doctors visit?
Uhhh... Yeah??
35. Where is your best friend?
Hmm, let me check the GPS trackers I have on them... Just kidding. I think they're home.
36. How is your best friend?
They are good.
37. Do you have a tan.
Sort of
38. What are you listening to right now?
Dance Dance by Fall Out Boy
39. Do you collect anything?
CDs, books, seashells, post cards, and makeup
40. Biggest gossiper you know?
Xoxo, Gossip Girl
41. Last time you were stopped by a cop?
42. Have you ever drank soda from a straw?
43. What does your last text message say?
"I KNOW AH"- my best friend
44. Do you like hot sauce?
Hells ya
45. Last time you took a shower?
Three hours ago
46. Do you need to do laundry?
Oops yeah
47. What is your heritage?
French Canadian, South American and Spanish
48. Are you someone's best friend?
Yes ma'am
49. Are you rich?
Well I'm not poor.
50. What were you doing at midnight last night?
Watching Mean Girls XD
So, thats it. I hope you had fun reading this, and you guys should answer these next
With tons of love,
Em <3
Surviving Staying Up Too Late
Hey babes. I'm guessing the title of this post doesn't really make much sense, but I really couldn't think of a good title. Oops...
The other night (school night) I was up wayy too late. The next morning, I was completely exhausted, so I was totally rocking the messy bun, leggings, and sweatshirt. Well, not rocking. I really do not understand how some girls can wear that and look perfectly laid back, but attractive. I look like I have just come back from the dead/crawled up from my grave/or done every drug in the world, all of these which were pointed out to me during the day -.- Anywayyys this post is going to be tips on how you can skip a little sleep, but still look alive in the morning. Yay!
Tip 1: Wear a sweater instead of a sweatshirt. I find both equally comfortable, but the sweater looks way more pulled together.
Tip 2: Either put your hair in a braid, or add a nice headband to your bun. Yeah, it will still be messy. But at least it will look purposely messy, not ohmygod I have 7 minutes to get ready messy.
Tip 3: Put white eyeshadow in the inner corner of your eyes, and a brighter lipstick/lipgloss/lipstain. It will add color and highlight your face, making you look awake (the main goal).
Those are my three main tips. What are yours? Comment? Okayy I love you till the moon beams (hahaha get it? My friend and I used to write letters, and we always ended them with something like that. Its punny. Oh my, I need to stop.)
With tons of love,
Emma <3
The other night (school night) I was up wayy too late. The next morning, I was completely exhausted, so I was totally rocking the messy bun, leggings, and sweatshirt. Well, not rocking. I really do not understand how some girls can wear that and look perfectly laid back, but attractive. I look like I have just come back from the dead/crawled up from my grave/or done every drug in the world, all of these which were pointed out to me during the day -.- Anywayyys this post is going to be tips on how you can skip a little sleep, but still look alive in the morning. Yay!
Tip 1: Wear a sweater instead of a sweatshirt. I find both equally comfortable, but the sweater looks way more pulled together.
Tip 2: Either put your hair in a braid, or add a nice headband to your bun. Yeah, it will still be messy. But at least it will look purposely messy, not ohmygod I have 7 minutes to get ready messy.
Tip 3: Put white eyeshadow in the inner corner of your eyes, and a brighter lipstick/lipgloss/lipstain. It will add color and highlight your face, making you look awake (the main goal).
Those are my three main tips. What are yours? Comment? Okayy I love you till the moon beams (hahaha get it? My friend and I used to write letters, and we always ended them with something like that. Its punny. Oh my, I need to stop.)
With tons of love,
Emma <3
New Year!!
Hiya guys! I hope you all had a fantastic New Years Eve, and I wish you a happy and healthy New Year! You may know that I post pretty randomly (sorry), but because of the New Year and resolutions and all that cool stuff, I have decided I will post on one day a week, every week. I was thinking Saturday, butttt if you want a different day, comment below :) If no one comments it will be Saturday. Omg, I'm so excited about this. Yay. I love all of you so much!
With tons of love,
Em <3
With tons of love,
Em <3
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